Traffic restrictions
Traffic measures related to the Bruce Springsteen concert in Letňany


Last update:

Type of incident: Reinforced service

Affected lines
C 911

Event description

On Tuesday 28 May 2024, concert by Bruce Springsteen will take place in Letňany.

For transport to the event, we recommend using metro line C to the Letňany station.

  • After the concert, for return journey we also recommend using the metro, the operation of which will be strengthened and extended after the end of the event.
  • Last metro train departs from the Letňany station at 0:30 a.m.

Exceptionally, if necessary, first two connections of night bus line no. 911 in the direction from Výstaviště Letňany to the city centre will also be routed through the Letňany stop.

We apologise for potential inconveniences and thank you for your understanding. Further information on the emergency or on the traffic measure will be provided by the telephone information line of the Transit Company on number 296 19 18 17.

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